
Old times.somethings memorable to be shared.and its can makes my heart trembling enough and i can cry when flash back all this moment.what its just left to be see with my vision just a dozen of pictures which is left.

look at me when i was a small baby!.hihihi. i was sitting on my ayah su ;))

and how i grow to be girl not yet a woman.erk!;P

just below,this is picture when i was in lower form in Afzan school and SMART Kuantan.small,thin girl,yg memang rajin sgt study sampai xmakan xtido.look at me,yaAllah .kurus cengkung mata macam panda macam xdek zat je.hihiihihi.kalau compared dgn skrg masyaAllah memang jauh bezalah.hehe.sekrg so chubby chubby+gemok+byk main+xstudy.langsung x serious!!teroknya nis!(muhasabah kat cini pula).upppss. ;))

oh i really miss myself during this concentrate and focus in class.i think at this moment my study getting so smooth and i really easy to memorizing the knowdledge.mybe sebab sekolah pompuan je kut kan.hati bersih sikit dgn pandangan yg terjaga.(yeke mcm tu?mybe..kan=)

in this times,i feel that succes mean so much in our life.i'm trying so had to be the best one!

Alhamdulillah Allah gives to me to feel the happiness.

this is me when i was in MRSM kuantan.i am just a small girl that trying to learn to be successful in her life. trying also to adapt social environment with boys in this school.oh betapa rasa susahnya waktu ni nak adapt because i came from girls school in lower this times i think i am really tough,istiqomah,hardworking enough,and there are many people who's really inspiring me especially in during study.they all so compeptitive and of course excellent and hardworking than me.but at this moment, i really regret many things that i could not achieve bcz i takes a lot of times to be adapt with environment and my achievement in study not achieve highly expectation that i can do.there i s some conflict in here especially about friends and religion.i am just find my life is just 4 study study study and how to be excellent in spm..maybe patutlah Allah send me to egypt to know Islam better and better kan ;) Alhamdulillah..





mood:miss my rajin time lah ni.tgh cari semgt.xtau kenapa bila duk U ni sgt x serious and sebab relax sgt nis ni.adoii ;))

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