saya ingin mencadi seperti pokok ictr ini yg berbau harum mcm sirup.cewah ;)
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Masih Penyayang..
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah masih diberi kekuatan untuk bernafas di bumi Allah ini..
hye everyone! how i miss u all a lots especially to those who are reading my blog secrectly. nothing i can say but granted u with a lots of thanks. hoping u all are always happy with bundles of joys and happiness.. ^_^V
I woke up in this morning with some strength as my body having a fever and common cold. my running nose becomes better as i took antibiotic and paracetamol last night that makes me sleep tightly for about 10 hours. Alhamdulillah my fever is getting better and syukur to Allah S.W.T.
by the way, i have garden that i will show u all some of the picture.just a small garden around the corner of my beranda. its is very nice having plants in our house because its really make us calm when looking of them. and i finally really really fall in love with gardening! ;D
Now outside my house it is raining ; soft fine rain blow gently with the cold breeze. the breeze make my cheeks flushing and my fingers feel numbness and tingling.i i don't like cold weather as much as spring and autumn.but my mother do. she loves winter so much because she said she loves to see gleaming white snow running down and playing with it.of course it was happen during her study in Chicago & Eastern Michigan when she was young as me. In Egypt "manelah ade snow mcm tu mama". ;D
winter make me shivering and want to spent all my time with my duvet.oh!;D of course it will also make me so lazy to go to class in the morning!ish how bad of me and it wasn't winter fault at all kan ;D
orait, check it out all this lovely kan ;))))
hadiah dari nabilah or bobo chan
(she said mesti nis chan suka sgt2.btw,mase dia bagi kat nis bunganya belum berbunya dan berkembang mekar lagi but now the flower was beautifuly blossom ~
(she said mesti nis chan suka sgt2.btw,mase dia bagi kat nis bunganya belum berbunya dan berkembang mekar lagi but now the flower was beautifuly blossom ~

p/s: thanks to 'pokok pokok' because hadir in my life. tq sb buatkan nis gembira sgt2 & excited to see korg every day and every morning in my life!!~love lots! :)
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