Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang..
hello friday. hello all my lovely friends and lovely guest who come visit my blog although it had been not updated for about 4 weeks. oh my godness kenapalah si tuan belogs ini sungguh tidak rajin mengepedate belogs. hey anis! jadi rajin2 yer ;) *
its very wonderful today and i always missing to write and write. ;)
"Salam Anisezzah,
I happened to come across your blog.What year were you in SMKTA. I was the principal there between 1998-2003. Anyway, selamat maju jaya dalam pengajian Anis ye."
check out my private comment in this blogs my heart was very touch and i get pm for my principal when i was lower form in secondary school,SMK TENGKU AFZAN (2002-2004). She is Hajjah Noralenna Abbas who really inspired me in her credibility to take care and guide us. i always remember her taught during our assembly time. Tq so much cikgu for doa and support...( sungguh terharu T_T + sgtt semangat nak study) . i'm here wishing cikgu always bahagia with love and happiness . Semoga sentiasa dalam rahmat dan lembayung kasih sayang Nya. ameen ;)
seronok dapat berjumpa cikgu and reading her blog ;D (check it out ya=)
04:01 |
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