hati sudah penat .tired of everything ..:(
02:24 |
wahai jiwa yg terluka
bagai diguris duri yg tajam
yg lukanya terus parah dan berdarah
kasihankan diri mu
diperlaku sebegitu
duhai diriku
cintailah dirimu
dan diriku
carilah cinta yg sejati
cinta yg kekal abadi
yg suci lagi kasih
yg ikhlas serta benar
tidak zalim atau tidak kecewa
10:36 |
Musim spring hampir ke peghujungnya manakala summer kian menjelang dengan panas terik matahari yg kian membahang. Namun sedar xsedar rupanya saya telah pun hampir 2 bulan menghabiskan round paedatric( kanak-kanak) yang sangat lah besttt..InsyaAllah hari khamis ni akan abislah round yg telah lama saya tunggu sejak di tahun 1 dahulu.
Berdepan dengan pesakit kanak kanak bukanlah mudah seperti yg saya jangka kan. rupa rupanya untuk mendekati kanak2 kita harus mempunyai skill komunikasi yg cukup baik. Ditambah dengan sikap ibu bapa yg bukan semuanya terbuka merupakan salah satu cabaran yg saya terpaksa hadapi.
Bagaimanapun round paedatric sgt interesting! insyaAllah kalau ada kesempatan saya akan cuba bercerita di sni lagi okeyh! see u soon ^^v
Motivation is what gets you started, habits?
00:56 |
huwaaaaaaaaaaaa..lamanya xbukak blog.tiba2 rasa sgt rindu kat blog ini. dah lama xcoret3 kat sini. sgt rinduuuu. now klu bukak tenet je asik tgk kt fb je sb just nk updated ape2 yg penting.tp yg xbestnya bukak fb lama2 ini boleh buat kefala jadi fusing dengan cerita manusia yg sgt banyakk. wah sungguh rindu blog yg byk mencatatkan kisah hidup sendiri.
tiba2 rasa nk active balik lah belog.tempat boleh kongsi kisah suka duka dengan penuh feeling .^^
btw,rasa teringin sgt berkongsi sumeting. Semalam xtau knp rasa macam nak jerit satu dunia. nis pun xtahu why nis jadik seperti ini..tapi Alhmdulillah ada seorg sahabat yg sangat memahami diri ini walaupun nis selalu babak(mengamuk suka hati) kat dia..(ish teruknya nis ni ;P) .Dia berkongsi nis something yang nis rasa cukup best untuk diri nis yg life nis yg memerlukan untuk menjadi teratur tiap hari sb kalu x mmg buleh tunggang langgang kalu tak terjaga.. by the way jom kite tgk apa yg ingin dikongsi kan ini ^^v
jom sama2 check kita ade berapa ciri2 dibawah dan cuba mengubah!jom2!^^v
7 Habits of Highly Organized People
I have not always been a naturally organized person. Though I've always enjoyed the pursuits and positive effects of organization since childhood, it's required applied intentional effort and practice to achieve a truly consistent organized lifestyle.
Beginning my own family has probably afforded me the greatest opportunity to observe a few of the biggest benefits of managing a simplified and organized home and life:
- To find things when I need them {quickly}.
- To feel as though I'm being a good steward with my time.
- To have a general sense of peace and calm.
As I've grown in my knowledge and understanding of organization through real life experience, and intentional education over the years, I've observed there are a few habits that have helped me maintain an organized lifestyle:
1. Write Everything Down:
FREE your mind. Rather than trying to rely on your memory to recall when that appointment is/was, the name of the movie or book you'd like to check out next, or recall the phone number or address of that new friend or business contact - WRITE it down. I've learned to always carry a small pocket notebook with me to record various things throughout the day. Then, when I'm given some random bit of information that I know would be helpful to recall later, or if I'm struck with a personal bright idea I just jot it down quickly and return to my day as planned. Later, I'll 'download' these various notes to a more long term list or calendar.
2. Keep Flat Surfaces Clear:
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{coastal kitchen image source: kitchenisms.com} |
Clutter is magnetic. As soon as you place one random item on a counter-top, dining table, or work space, it will only attract more. Establish counter-tops as 'no dumping' grounds unless a particular item is used in that space every day (Like a coffee maker on the kitchen counter).
3. Find 'A Place for Everything'
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{organized drawer photos courtesy of 'hello my dear blog'} |
Eliminate the idea of a "junk drawer" where random items are tossed. Instead, create a defined space (with small containers or dividers) for all the little 'extras'. One of the reasons most of my clients struggle with clutter build-up is simply because there is not a clear place where things belong. Assign specific 'homes' for every single item. 'Homeless' items will instantly turn into clutter. It's also helpful to have designated spaces for your things so you can actually find them when you need them rather than wasting time searching or money buying duplicates. Find a specific place for loose change, keys, remote controls, office supplies, or even sunscreen. Do your children struggle with keeping their rooms clean? Help them find 'homes' for their toys/belongings as well.
4. Never Leave a Room Empty Handed
Let's face facts: there will always be something that needs to be returned somewhere else.
When heading to a new room in the house, glance around to see if there is something out of place {a coffee cup, piece of mail, toy, or rogue sock}you could gather up with you to relocate on your way.
5. File, Don't Pile
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{image via BHG.com} |
Set up a command central or mail sorting system somewhere in your home. This space will serve to corral all the bills, mail, and other paper related information that comes in daily. Set aside a specific time each week to respond to and file documents where necessary.
{*note* a command central could even be set up in something as small as a simple file box}
6. Purge & Declutter Often
How many ________ does a person really need?
Strive to keep what you consider to be truly beautiful and/or useful in your home.
If you have limited storage it's especially important to not consistently accumulate more than will need to be stowed. Implement the 'One In, One Out Rule'. When you purchase something new for yourself or your home, or when a family member is given gifts on special occasions; make an effort to remove a similar item you already own. Resolve to declutter the common living areas of your home every evening (perhaps a few times a day if you're living with small children).
7. Make a Plan
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{FREE PRINTABLE Daily Plan Courtesy of The Project Girl} |
Sometimes you just need to tell yourself what to do in order to stay on track. Systems and routines save the day! Keeping a variety of running lists will serve as an external reminder of what needs to be done and when. You'll be granted a peace of mind knowing there is a plan to conquer all that needs to be done and feel the satisfaction of success when you're able to check off items they are completed as well!
Everyone in your family will appreciate having a menu plan in place:
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{FREE PRINTABLE Menu Plan courtesy of The Project Girl} |
A cleaning checklist will help keep the appearance of your home serene and welcoming:
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{FREE PRINTABLE courtesy of: evelyn kate designs} |
A family calendar will help show an 'at a glance' view of who needs to be where and when:
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(Calender via ScriptureArt} |
These habits are by no means a magic solution, but making an effort to adopt a few will surely aid to set you in motion as well as help maintain your organizational goals.
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- Jim Rohn - |
psssss-rindu kat sumea yg suka baca belog ni.tenqiuuu 4 ur support!
luv always,anisezzah zahidi.
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